Our proposal for this week is the movie Jackie, a biographical drama directed by the Chilean director Pablo Larrain and protagonist Natalie Portman as Jacqueline Kennedy. The movie is inspired by Jackie's interview at Life magazine, four days after Kennedy's death, to the journalist Theodore H. White. 

First Lady trying to find the place where JFK would be burried

The movie is about the death of John F. Kennedy  focusing on the personal drama of the First Lady of the USA. It deals with the impact of Kennedy's death in Jackie's life, her grief the next three days of the assassination, the impact in her children's life and her effort to define Kennedy's legacy.
Jackie in the White House after Kennedy's assassination
First Lady of USA as a widow
Jackie and her children leaving the White House for the funeral

Portman perfectly sums up and affects us deeply by quoting "Don’t let it be forgot, that for one brief, shining moment there was Camelot". This was what Jackie told White quoting from the relevant musical revealing all her thoughts, feelings and intentions.

Director  Pablo Larrain

Writer Noah Oppenheim

Main actors: Natalie Portman (Jackie)
                      Peter Sarsgaard (Bobby Kennedy)
                      Greta Gerwig  (Nancy)
                      Billy Crudup (The journalist)
                     John Hurt  (the priest)

    Duration: 1hour 40 minutes

official trailer


Les Culturelles love cinema and this week we went to the movies.We will share with you 
our suggestion for each week. So, for the first week of February our proposal is the movie 
"Moonlight" by Barry Jenkins.

Official poster of the movie

Chiron grew up in a tough neighborhood of Miami. During his journey from childhood 
he struggles balancing between the problems, the masculinity of young African-American 
men and his effort to understand his place in the world.
Little becomes Chiron and then Black unraveling in a simple but touching way how society gives no words to express what he feels and goes through. Although the dialogues are memorable what is left unsaid highlights the very essence of the movie.

Little by the sea ©A24

Moonlight is a social drama in which the Jenkins trusts the actors to touch the audience with their emotions instead of splurging words or actions.
Les Culturelles loved this movie for the simple but also great plot, the dramatic but touching scenes and the amazing music.
Moonlight is a sublime movie that you should definitely see. You will leave the cinema full of emotions.

Chiron bullied at school©A24
You can watch the trailer here.
You can see the movie in Amsterdam in one of our following favorite cinemas:

De Filmhallen
Pathe Tuschinsky

Director: Barry Jenkins
Story by: Tarell Alvin McCraney


Juan: Mahershala Ali
Paula: Naomie Harris
Teresa: Janelle Monae
Little: Alex R. Hibbert
Kevin:Jaden Piner
Chrion: Ashton Sanders
Kevin: Jharell Jerome
Black: Trevante Rhodes
Kevin: Andre Holland

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